Friday, July 13, 2007

MP3 Uses!!

I am going to use my MP3 to try and download some smaller books to it. I download books from the library quite frequently but I haven't downloaded any to the MP3 I got for Christmas because its to full of music.

The MP3 that we are getting I think is too small to downlaod a big book but I will give it a try. I love downloading books that we don't have in our CDB collection and listening to them while I work around the house. However I need some new speakers for the computer because it doesn't always come out that lous and its hard to hear when I'm on the other side of the room.

I am looking forward to playing with my new MP3. Thank you very much!

On-line learning!

On-line Learning is a fantastic way to learn things, espeically if you are pressed for time. I took Ready, Set, Go! last year and to RUSA course was alot of fun, although sometimes its hard to keep up with the chatting that is going on.

I have helped a couple people with their online course they were taking at VCC, basically becuase they had not been around a computer that much.

I am going back to VCC hopefully next year and I am going to try and take as many online courses as I possible can.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Downloadable Music..... a unique concept but I find myself troubled sometimes with it. Mainly it is hard to find the music I like because most sites don't carry it or if they do they carry a recently re-edited version of the song not the original. Case in point...I was trying to find "Watcher Of The Skies" by Genesis on Itunes and the only one I could find was a remix...a shorter version of the song I wanted. The other side of this coin is that sometimes I can find the only song I like off an album that I think is full of dogs.

I also don't want my favorite artisits to sail off into oblivion because no is buying their music since they can get it free off the internet. Thats why I really dislike Napster. Music is a universal feeling but the artists who make it shouldn't lost their ability to make it because some schmo dosn't want to but their music.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Great Sites!!!

I love the dogster site....bassett hounds rule!!! The puzzle player is my new favorite site....I love crosswords and I would be up all night playing!! It can be very addicting!!

I have several website that are devoted to book lovers but they all seem to deal with people's reaction to books they have read. I want to find a site that will list books, specifically non-fiction, that are out or are coming out. I don't necessarily want to read some else's interpretation of a book, especially if they didn't really like the author or the subject matter. Thats why amazon's reviews are no good. Too many people posting reviews.

Friday, May 25, 2007

This is how I dress on my days off!

Books! Books! Books!

I love using the library databases when looking for new titles.....Novelist, What Do I Read Next....awesome, awesome, awesome! The only draw back is that they don't have a database for non-fiction titles...hhmmm maybe I will create one!!

If any one knows of a good database for non-fiction books please let me know!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

What did do before Youtube?

I will tell that when I discovered the magic of Youtube I would stay on the computer for hours!! There is so much to see! I can see how TV might be in jeopardy for sites like these. Watch TV on your own time....heck just watch the stuff you want, no commericals and if you don't like it you can click to something else.

The music alone is fantastic!!!

MySpace scares me though.....some really weird people on there.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I Love Grokker!!!

Just when I thought I couldn't find anymore information about one of my favorite subjects...bam!!! Hit Grokker and find a whole lot more!!!

These new technologies are abit intimidating at times but once you learn how to navigate them it is really easy and there is so much to see!

I don't mind learning like this!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rush Is Coming!!!

Rush, the legendary, awesome and most creative progressive band will be coming to the Ford Amphitheatre Saturday July 16th. It will an sweaome show!!!

As you can see I am a very big Rush fan and I am very knowledgeable in all things Rush, so please feel free to ask me any questions you might have. Remember so question is too silly to ask.

Oh, and Rush's new CD Snakes And Arrows will be in stores May 1st so place your orders now!

(I'm so shamelss)